Sudden Jihad Syndrome

Beware the seemingly rational Moslem… Daniel Pipes has dubbed “Sudden Jihad Syndrome,” in which a seemingly non-violent Moslem erupts in a murderous rampage:

Naveed Haq, forced his way into the offices of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle where he killed one person and wounded four others.  He remarked, “I’m tired of getting pushed around and our people getting pushed around by the situation in the Middle East.”

Mohammed Taheri-azar, a philosophy and psychology major at the University of North Carolina, deliberately rammed a car into a crowd of students, saying he wanted to “avenge the death of Muslims around the world.”

Michael Julius Ford opened fire in a Denver warehouse, killing one person and injuring five. His sister Khali told the Denver Post. “He told me that Allah was going to make a choice and it was going to be good and told me people at his job was making fun of his religion.”

Hasan Akbar, a sergeant in the 101st Airborne Division, who attacked his fellow soldiers at an American command center in Kuwait with grenades and rifle fire, killing one and wounding 15.

Hesham Ali Hadayet, who killed two people when he shot up the El Al ticket counter at the Los Angeles airport in 2002.

Ali Hasan Abu Kamal, who was carrying a note denouncing “Zionists” and others who “must be annihilated & exterminated” when he opened fire on the observation deck of the Empire State Building.

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