Raising Corn in Ohio

I like to claim that I live in Exurbia, which is a mix of suburban and rural population density.  I point to the fact that there are 100-acre corn fields located about 1 mile from our home as proof that

Does AI Mean ‘Augmented Intelligence’?

This is a cumulative posting, started in March 2018, that covers the realities of “AI”.  I will be sharing observations and various snippets that illustrate that the latest advancements in neural networks and machine learning do not constitute “intelligence”.   A

Harvard, Boeing, and Bud Light

You may think, “what do these three topics have in common?”   Here’s the explanation for you — using recent case studies of tone deaf leadership to highlight problems in industry, academia, and government.  Comparing failure at Harvard to failure in

Latest Survey of Economic Indicators

A sampling of news titles from today that provide a qualitative assessment of various market indicators: Alarm Bells Sound As World’s Second Largest Appliance Company Reports Demand Plunge China Demand Sinks Across Multiple Cargo Markets Goldman Sachs Prepares for Layoffs

Case Study in Leftist Economics

Most people that care about empirical data know how poorly Leftist economies have performed over the past 100 years.  As an illustration of ignoring reality, we have a recent “money quote” from the Democrat House Budget Chairman: “It’s not a