A Visit to the Former DJCC

Len and I took a trip back in time to visit the old Dayton Jewish Community Center on Denlinger Road.  We both grew up spending summers at the day camp and relaxing by the pool, as well as playing basketball

Modern Dr. Seuss

From my buddy, Slick I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like his health care scam. I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress

New Practices in Race Relations?

A very interesting article from Walter Russell Mead: Urban Warming and Racial Climate Change. The national conversation about race ground to a halt twenty years ago in a stale mix of PC platitudes, interest group lobbying, name-calling and bureaucratic turf war.

Many Tennis Fans

We’ve been attending the ATP tennis tournament in Cincinnati for the last 20 years, and specifically visiting during the qualifying round on Saturdays (ticket prices are a fraction of the cost, and many top 100 players are involved in matches)…