It’s a topic on your mind these days: Can Vitamin D Solve All Your Problems?
Month: July 2012
Bicycling Mishap
We were out doing one of those 20-mile rides north of town on a Monday evening, heading north on Frederick Pike near the Dayton International Airport doing about 20 mph… I decided to get off the main thoroughfare and turned
Iranian is Afraid to Compete Against Israeli Athlete
Yep, it’s true. The Iranian man was so afraid that he was going to get his butt kicked by the enemy, so he resigned instead of competing against the Israeli fellow: ‘Gut Infection’ Denies Iranian Chance to Compete in Olympics
The Miraculous Manchurian Marxist Moslem
Bill Whittle would probably add ‘Miraculous’ to my proxy name for Obama… Watch below: [youtube][/youtube]
Mr. Ryan vs Mr. Obama
Paul Ryan Went On An Epic Rant Over Obama’s Comment About Business
You Didn’t Build That…
Some great cartoons about the infamous quote from the Manchurian Marxist Moslem… It’s interesting that very few people commented on Obama’s ostensible support of Socialism back in 2008 when he commented to Joe the Plummer about “spreading the wealth around…”
Obama is Likable?
I alway find this statement: “Can Obama’s likeability save him from defeat?” a little amusing… I’m incredulous that people find him likable. Obama’s view is that Government is everything…. He disdains anything to do with entrepreneurship: There are a lot of wealthy,
Discrimination Everywhere
It’s a crazy fricking world… Obama, the imperial president, behaves like he’s been ordained by God to decide what’s best for everyone… Another reason that Obama has to go…Disparity-Proves Discrimination Dogma, Selective Concern for Gender Imbalances.
Atlas Still Shrugging
Some great insights as usual: Atlas Still Shrugging . . . – By Victor Davis Hanson