This sums it up nicely…
Month: October 2012
Only In America Observations
Courtesy of my buddy, Slick: 1) Only in America, could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000 a plate campaign fund-raising event. 2) Only in America, could people claim that the government still discriminates against black
Obama’s Prepaid Corruption
If you haven’t heard about the sources of Obama’s campaign funding.. Obama’s Prepaid Untraceable Credit Cards for Foreign Donors: Had 9/11 Hijackers Used Prepaid Credit Cards No Footprints Available In addition to soliciting foreigners for donations, the Obama campaign has chosen
Are We That Stupid?
“Some people say I’m Stupid. Really? Here’s how stupid I am: “I was hired by over 69 million voters who didn’t even do a routine background check on me. I’m doing a lousy, stinking job, with a record number of
Obama’s Ability as US President
A good article in the President’s hometown newspaper, the Chicago Tribune. An excerpt: It shows Obama’s fatal flaw is not just his policies (as bad as they are), but the fact that he isn’t and never was cut out to be
Obama’s Extemporaneous Statements
It provides some insights they don’t show you on network television… [youtube][/youtube]
American Security
This shows an interesting contrast…
Free Markets vs Socialism
A nice summary spotted on a highway in Michigan…
That’s Why They Call Him “Moslem” – part 2
A recent editorial Why Dinesh D’Souza Is right about the source of Obama’s rage, sums it up rather nicely: “But Obama’s identification with the Third World, and the Muslim world in particular, is pre-rational; it is not an idea he learned in