BDS and Anti-Semitism

Then there is reality: The boycott, divest and sanctions (BDS) movement is the modern mother’s milk of anti-Semitism… BDS was founded at the 2001 Durban conference, which was so anti-Semitic that the U.S. walked out.  The extreme anti-Zionism of BDS

Jewish Quarterback

The coach had put together the perfect team for the Chicago Bears. The only thing that was missing was a good quarterback. He had scouted all the colleges and even the Canadian and European Leagues, but he couldn’t find a

Jimmy Carter, Life-Long Idiot

This says it squarely: What would compel a former U.S. president to pen a piece supporting an Islamic terrorist organization? Or perhaps Carter agrees with Nancy Pelosi that Hamas is a humanitarian organization. Jimmy Carter’s position reflects the deeply rooted

Obama Administration in the Middle East

This week we learned that former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the elected choice of the wealthy denizens of San Francisco, believes that Hamas is a humanitarian organization. Qatar, Hamas’ principle supporter, told her so. From former Secretary of

Cincinnati ATP Tennis

We visited Cincinnati, Ohio on Saturday to catch the qualifying round of the ATP tennis tournament.   We spent most of the time in the front row of the match with Tomic vs Dustov.

Obama is Establishing the Theme

And you thought Obama wasn’t haven’t an influence on American culture… Seeking to file a complaint about the Helmetta Regional Animal Shelter, Steve Wronko visited the Helmetta Police Department to air his grievances about the shelter falling prey to nepotism

The Universe is Expanding?

I don’t really understand this statement from a scientist: We now know that our galaxy is just a speck in a universe that might be infinite and might even be getting bigger. To me, the notion of the Universe is synonymous