An interesting article on race and affirmative action at Frontpage:
What reality is there to the claim that white skin is privileged and black is not? Is it really the case that non-whites are the exclusive targets of racial vendettas, while whites enjoy protection from racial prejudice and collective suspicion? No sober individual could possibly think so…
In America today, blacks generally can conduct racist assaults on whites and count on “civil rights” activists and the media not to notice…
The physical threat to African Americans from whites is actually minimal compared to the epidemic of black violence against whites…
Like the racial injustice against blacks that preceded it, the racial injustice enforced in behalf of blacks has damaged them as well as whites. It has empowered incompetence and sown resentment, and ensured that racial tensions persist nearly half a century after the Civil Rights Acts outlawed racial barriers…
Racial privilege does more than merely damage the unlucky individuals who are its victims. When enforced by government and backed by law, it tears at the very fabric of the social order, regardless of whom it benefits…
In a free society, composed of individuals who are unequal by nature, the highest government good is neutrality in the treatment of its citizens before the law. One standard and one justie for all. This is the only equality that not at odds with individual freedom.