A Tribute to Uncle Milty

A great tribute to Milton Friedman from Brad Delong…  a nice summary description of the man that Dave Wittman and I used to refer to as “Uncle Milty”: His world-view began with a bedrock faith in people, in their ability

Rockwell in Dayton

Missy and I made it to the Dayton Art Institute this past weekend to catch the special exhibit of artist/illustrator Norman Rockwell.  We had a special tour hosted by a docent who walked us through the exhibit and provided us

Interesting Trivia

Some interesting trivia, courtesy of MentalFloss… Johnny Cash’s “A Boy Named Sue” was penned by beloved children’s author Shel Silverstein. Ben & Jerry learned how to make ice cream by taking a $5 correspondence course offered by Penn State. In

Revolutionary Tires

From my buddy, Joe K… They have been testing these for several years now. A company called Resilient Tech was developing them for the military application. Yes, those are ‘spoke-like’ connections to the inner part of the tire from the


      STOP SOPA       SOPA is the euphemistically named the “Stop Online Piracy Act”  (in the same way that Obamacare is ironically called the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”)   To Learn more, check this site  

Meritocracy in the US

A great article about restoring meritocracy to the United States…  a few excerpts: To this day, Americans are unusually supportive of meritocracy, and their support goes a long way toward explaining their embrace of American-style capitalism… In politics, for example—a

Where are They Now?

Where are the men that were instrumental in bringing the housing crisis to the United States? Here’s a quick look into the three former Fannie Mae executives who brought down Wall Street. Franklin Raines – the Chairman and Chief Executive