Watch the Moslem Engineer

There is an interesting article in Electronic Engineering Times entitled “Jihad Study Roils Engineering”.  It appears that a recent study conducted by Oxford College concluded that most of the massive terrorist attacks are committed by Moslems (of course, we knew that

Einstein on Physics

Eliezer Shklovsky passed along this quote and observation: “In the matter of physics, the first lessons should contain nothing but what is experimental and interesting to see. A pretty experiment is in itself often more valuable than twenty formulae extracted from

Practical Internet Security

An interesting article in Information Week about the practical planning for security in the corporate environment.   The man that invented one of the early versions of Norton anti-virus software laments that IT pros are wasting their energy… I love his

Engineering View on Global Warming

If you want to read a series of pragmatic comments about global warming, check out Mechanical Engineering Design News… As an engineer that prefers to make business decisions based on the scientific process, I think that you will find that many scientists and