Most Common Passwords

An interesting list from Modern Life… Based on a study in the United Kingdom, they identified the 10 most commonly used passwords on the Internet… #10 is thomas, while #1 is … drum roll… 123.

The Future of Software

Adobe, a leading maker of graphic and Web design software, earns most of its money through the sales of packaged software that runs locally on a computer’s hard drive… but it has started offering some of its applications online as

Jamming Radar

You may recall seeing the news that Israeli warplanes attacked a suspected nuclear site in Syria… The venerable Aviation Week & Space Technology came out with its guesses as to how Israel was able to bypass the Syrian air defense

Memory, Beliefs, and Facts

This is a very interesting story in the Washington Post on the impact of the human brain’s tendency to think that easily recalled things are true.    The story observes that “conventional response to myths and urban legends is to counter

Technology Meets the Hockey Skate

I recall when hockey skates changed from stamped steel supports to impact-resistant plastic.  This really didn’t change the performance of skating.  It only made skates look high-tech, and frankly that’s been the only advancement in the hockey skate in the last

Interesting Scientific Predictions

While researching the current state-of-the-art in concurrent engineering, I came across an interesting list of prognostications, which today obviously look ridiculous.  These famous people actually made these statements: 1) “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” – Charles H.

Nuclear Weapons in Syria?

My buddy, Mike Belcher, pointed out an article in the Wall Street Journal that speculates about “Israel’s Silence on Syria speaks volumes”.  The article suggests that Israeli warplanes were targeting a nuclear materials shipment from North Korea…