We can all thank the Obama administration and the EPA for pushing up the cost of coal (and hence, electricity for those of us living in the Midwest)… It appears that that future price for coal-powered electricity in 2015 is
Category: Politics
Solar Powered Jet Fighters?
We all know how important it is to control climate change (sarcasm). Well, the Obama administration obligated $70 billion for the defense department to spend on climate technologies. This cartoon sums it up nicely:
Budget? What Budget?
It appears that the US Congress want to dabble in every part of our lives… Interestingly, they have not fulfilled one of their constitutional obligations for the past three years — namely, approving a budget for the country. This
Is It the Economy?
If you remember the Clinton campaigning, you’ll better appreciate the irony here… It appears that Obama can’t run for the realities of the economy…
Obama and the Continuing Saga of the US Economy
He is ideologically driven…
Higher Education Bubble – Lowering Admission Standards
Ithaca College? Isn’t that the center of attraction of that great comedy, Road Trip? Well, it appears that Ithaca College is dropping the need for an SAT or ACT… That should be interesting. Do you think it’s a
What Happened to the Alpha Male?
An interesting viewpoint from Bill Whittle… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCWv87Zz62k[/youtube]
Consistent Evaluations
Double standards? What double standards?
Obama Campaign 2012
Here are a few political cartoons that sum it up nicely….
A Mandate Provides Liberty?
When I first saw the Orwellian title, I had to stop and take a second look. Indeed, a couple of Leftist authors titled their article. “Yes, the Health-Care Mandate Is About Liberty“. Hmmm, they used quaint observations such as: The