George Will recently commented on ABC: I think people will look back on this deal as where liberalism passed an apogee and went into decline… Under this deal, 172 House Democrats voted to make the Bush rates permanent for all
Category: Politics
The Designated Driver
This sums up his ‘leadership’ approach very well…
Debt and Taxes
From the Wall Street Journal, the best summary assessment: Whatever tax and spending decisions Washington makes over the next few months, the likelihood is that government will be bigger in 2013 and the fiscal problems even more urgent…
Iran Boycotts the Jews
A short time ago, Iran ‘s Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Khamenei urged the Moslem world to boycott anything and everything that originates with the Jewish people. In response, Meyer M. Treinkman, a pharmacist, out of the kindness of his heart,
You Can’t Kick the Can Forever
I’m not sure how this story turns out, but this cartoon highlights how the problem is becoming more difficult.
Perpetuating Affirmative Action
An interesting article about the unintended consequences caused by the perpetual embrace of affirmative action. Manufacturing Racism: Academic Hiring and the Diversity Mandate.
Chinese Man Rams Car Into Students, Injures 13
You may have read the story about an unfortunate incident in China. A deranged man attempted to kill school children by running them over with an automobile. There’s some irony in this news story… using a car to kill children…
Does Anyone in Washington Understand Economics?
From the Washington Times, the best explanation for the lack of understanding: President Obama talks about getting our fiscal house in order but fails to propose any meaningful spending cuts. His proposals to increase the tax rate on the top
Obama 4th Best President Ever
This explains it: I was just reading that after less than 4 years, Obama has been rated the 4th best president ever. Reagan and 9 others tied for first, 15 presidents tied for second, and 18 other presidents tied for
A Balanced Approach to Fiscal Plans?
This sums it up nicely