Trond Adresen

Have you heard of Trond Adresen?  There are many people that allege that he is a charlatan of the first degree.  Similar to many in academia from Norway, he has exhibited pusillanimous intellectual characteristics. If you’ve reviewed any of his sophomoric writings,

Lawyers and Time Sheets

A lawyer dies and goes to Heaven. “There must be some mistake,” the lawyer argues. “I’m too young to die. I’m only fifty five.” “Fifty five?” says Saint Peter. “No, according to out calculations, you’re eighty two.” “How’s you get

How Not to Interview for a Job

Every year, HR professionals share new and unusual stories about the interviews they conduct. People make mistakes, but some mistakes are so over the top that they make the decision not to hire a very easy one. Check out this

A European Warns About Becoming a European

A great article in the Wall Street Journal from a member of the European Parliament. He provides warnings about adopting European-style socialism: [Obama] is not pursuing a set of random initiatives but a program of comprehensive Europeanization: European health care,