Israeli Air Force F-16i

You may have heard that Israel will be early in-line to take delivery on the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter… At this time, the F-16i (an F-16 two-seater, retrofitted with top-of-the-line electronics) is the mainstay of the Israeli Air Force.  You

Liberal Jews – Part 4

According to an article in the Jerusalem Post, a video released by a Leftist Jewish organization appeared to show several retired senior Israeli Army and Intelligence officials endorsing Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama.  These Israeli officials were very upset about the

Strange Facts

More goodies from StrangeCosmos: Q. What occurs more often in December than any other month? A. Conception. Q. Only 14% of Americans say they’ve done this with the opposite sex. What is it? A. Skinny dipping. Q. Most boat owners

Can’t Find a Good Movie

Saturday night, Leonard was at his homecoming dance while Barry was partying in Columbus *, so Miss and I decided to go out for dinner and a movie… Believe it or not, we sat through major portions of two “D” movies (Missy’s

From the Mouths of Children

I was talking to a friend ‘s little girl, and she said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, ‘If you were to be the President, what