People always wonder why the far left is so supportive of Islam… The excerpt below ably defines the pathology that finds commonality between Leftists and Moslems (bold below): From the details of Rigoberta Menchú’s memoir, to Tawana Brawley’s supposed rape,
Two Sports in One Day
I made it to two sporting events in one day, starting at 11:00am and finishing at 9:00pm… the first game was Bengals football in Cincinnati with my buddy, Wally. This was followed by the Raiders basketball game at the Nutter Center
It’s Also Called the ‘Reparations Industry’
From former soldier and representative, Alan West: “For one thing, Eric Holder said that he is very fine with being an activist and this is their definition of social justice. This is once again being a part of the grievance
Movie Review: Horrible Bosses 2
We went to see the movie, “Horrible Bosses 2” over the weekend…. Missy gave it an ‘F’, while the men in her family gave it a ‘B-‘. It was a little zany and the pornographic innuendos were not necessary. I
Leftist Ideology
A nice summary from Fox News: “We we have is an admission of an all-out effort to deceive on a number of points, based upon the notion — common, I’m afraid, among many liberals — that the American people do
Arab Nations Declare Moslems as Terrorists
It’s not just you… Other Arab nations are more honest about the Moslem Brotherhood than Obama and Hillary (recall that one of Hillary’s advisers is a supporter of the Moslem Brotherhood): The UAE, which is arguably America’s closest Arab ally
Obama the Marxist
“On the other hand, those who are only interested in focusing on the violence and just want the problem to go away need to recognize that we do have work to do here and we shouldn’t try to paper it
Would You Vote for BillHill?
This sums it up nicely…
It’s Always Someone Else’s Fault…
Do you see any similarities between the Ferguson protesters and Palestinians?
Major Tree Downage
We had 50 mph winds in Ohio yesterday, and unfortunately one of my 25′ tall Bradford Pear trees split in half… I used my trusty Ryobi chain saw to reduce the mess to something manageable for the tree crew to