This is a good illustration of his upside-down thinking…
Obama Creating Jobs
This sums it up nicely…
Obama Logic
Only Obama can say with a straight face: “You can keep your doctor”… No I meant this crazy statement: “ISIS is not Islamic” — (Note: ISIS acronym means Islamic State in Iraq and Syria)
It’s Been 13 Years…
Here you go…
Obama’s Truth About Iraq
This is a good one… It’s about 1 minute long. Watch it to the end. [youtube][/youtube]
The Term ‘Manchurian Marxist Moslem’ Isn’t So Crazy
From House Majority Leader, Tom Delay: “Barack Obama was raised a Muslim, and he claims he is a Christian, and I can’t say for sure whether he’s a Christian or not, but he has shown over the last few years
Moslems and Europe
This sums it up nicely…
Old Guy at the Gym
An older man was working out at the gym when he spotted a sweet young gal walking into the building… He asked the trainer standing next to him, “What machine should I use to impress that young lady over there?” The
Government Bureaucracies
About the corrupt nature of the IRS… From George Will: Remember this thing began in deceit with Lois Lerner planting a question to reveal this getting ahead of the Inspector General of the IRS report. Then there were a few
The Mainstream Media, Gaza, and Ferguson
It’s time to focus on the media’s disproportionate response to certain events. The media’s current focus on the shooting of a black teenager by a white policeman in Ferguson, Missouri seems also designed to divert attention away from the big