GM Quality?

Things keep getting worse for General Motors as the car manufacturer recalled another 8.2 million vehicles on Monday that had faulty ignition switches. This new round of recalls affects mainly midsize cars; it brings the total number of recalled GM

Is the Name ‘Redskins’ Really Bad?

From Dennis Prager: …it is fair to ask why the American Left is preoccupied with the name Washington “Redskins.” The Washington Redskins have been in existence for 82 years. For about 80 of those years, virtually no one, including the

Senator Cruz Comments About Evil

Senator Ted Cruz made comments about the murders in Israel: The brutal murder Hamas carried out of three innocent Jewish teenagers is a terrorist-led atrocity that demands justice,” said Sen. Cruz. “While we lift Gilad Shaer, Naftali Frankel, and Eyal

Obama and Evil-Doers

From TruthRevolt: President Barack Obama has said nothing publicly about the kidnapping. His administration has continued funding the Palestinian government, despite vast bipartisan opposition to such funding. There have been no hashtags from Michelle Obama, no press conferences with the

Wisconsin Humor

Humor from my buddy, Slick… One day, a very gentle and elderly Wisconsin lady was driving across the high bridge in Green Bay. As she neared the top of the bridge, she noticed a young man ready to jump. She stopped

Mainstream Media and Obama

While I’m not a big fan of Bill O’Reilly, he did have some pointed comments: ..corruption in the media is greatly harming this nation….There’s no question the major national media in America is trying to protect President Obama….They know if