It looks like Obama’s ‘brilliance’ is finding a way to bring Arab and Israeli together… to oppose his policies.
Tag: Obama
Manchurian Marxist Moslem
You may not see it now, but this is very real… The Soviets behind the iron curtain spent trillions of dollars attempting to stand-up to Western civilization and destroy capitalism. Obama is 10X more successful in destroying the United
Obama and the Cost of Your Electricity
We can all thank the Obama administration and the EPA for pushing up the cost of coal (and hence, electricity for those of us living in the Midwest)… It appears that that future price for coal-powered electricity in 2015 is
Obama Campaign 2012
Here are a few political cartoons that sum it up nicely….
Presidential Realities
Can Obama deal with reality? What do you think?
Honest Political Positions
As usual, some fantastic insights about Liberalism from Victor Davis Hanson: We live in an age in which advocates do not believe in their own advocacy: A “planet is doomed” Al Gore refuses to fly economy; a statist John Kerry
Secrets about Obama
It’s interesting to see that all of the pundits – both from the left and the right — are trying to figure out this man in the White House: How did he get into Harvard? Is he really competent to