True Intentions of the Democratic Party 

Has the American public figured out the realities?

Sifting through the DNC emails, it becomes clear why the party is freaking out. The documents don’t undermine democracy itself, as Sanders’ supporters are claiming. Rather, they undermine the illusion of democracy that the Democratic Party is selling to the American public and to the rest of the world.

At the party level, the emails provide a glimpse behind the curtain of an organization that purports to stand for hope, love, unity, democracy and progressiveness, revealing instead an elaborate effort to create division and to protect the establishment status quo.

There’s also damage at the international level. When internal documents reveal attempts by Democratic Party brass to undermine one of the candidates in what is supposed to be a fair and democratic process, it demolishes the moral authority that American leaders have to criticize other countries for being “undemocratic.”

Source: Email scandal reveals the hypocrisy of Democratic Party 

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