Is the “Great Reset” Real?

An interesting commentary from a leader of a freedom party in the Netherlands:

Our democracy is no longer a democracy… Our governments do not protect us but have only one goal: to frighten us into submission so that they can obliterate free markets, individual liberty, and free will…

When I became a member of the Dutch Parliament in 2017 for the Conservative Forum for Democracy, I was optimistic about the future. Until 2019, it looked as if the West was going through a Conservative Spring…

As soon as the threat of the virus will be over, the regime will find another alibi to curb our freedoms… They will do whatever it takes to introduce their totalitarian control state by 2030.

This is not a conspiracy theory; the proof is there. Recently, one of my party’s parliamentarians unearthed several documents in which the World Economic Forum thanks Dutch government ministers for their “contribution to the Great Reset.”


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