How to Buy ‘Respect’…

I think the cartoon below nicely summarizes the approach employed by the Obama administration for most of its domestic and foreign policy initiatives — i.e., use money that doesn’t belong to you to pay people off.  It’s really pretty simple…

The Boy Scouts are Bad Guys?

More on the Upside-Down World promoted by the Manchurian Marxist Moslem…  Evidently Leftist judges in California have declared the Boy Scouts persona non grata: California’s seven Supreme Court judges have voted unanimously to prohibit state judges from holding membership in

Obama’s Plan for the Economy

A fairly clear perspective: Under Obama, 92 million Americans are unemployed and still living comfortably.  So why seriously pursue a job?  With 47 million Americans on food stamps, the Obama administration aggressively encourages more to apply.  Disability fraud is an

The Leftists… and Everyone Else

Nothing better illustrates the chasm between the Leftist ‘intelligentsia” and the rest of the nation: Even as “American Sniper” breaks January box-office records and revels in six Oscar nominations, criticism over the subject of the film, sharpshooter Chris Kyle, is