Great Philosophical Quotes

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else. Never test the depth of the water with both feet. If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments. Before you criticize someone, you should

Bicycling in the North

The photo below shows a nice summary of my regular 20-mile ‘north’ course (click for larger view).  I stopped at frequent points along the way to capture the green scenery before autumn sets in…

Visit to Wegerzyn Metropark

Missy and I recently took a nice stroll through Wegerzyn Metropark located in North Dayton (see photos below).  It’s a fantastic botanical garden with a mix of English style formality along with traditional midwestern plants.

No Clinton, Bush… or Kasich

We’re from Ohio and we’re not fans of our Governor… he’s another ‘compassionate’ conservative who is not the right guy to lead this country. Can someone please explain to me the difference between RINOs John Kasich and Jeb Bush? Kasich


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