Ohio State Football

We went to the Ohio State (#6) vs Penn State (#2) game yesterday in Columbus and saw a doozy of a football match-up.  Due to the fact that the Buckeyes had to overcome all sorts of adversity (much of it

European Vacation

We just returned from a great vacation to central Europe… We took a Danube river cruise on Amawaterways and visited numerous cities and countries, including Budapest, Hungary, Bratislava, Slovakia, Vienna, Austria, Regensburg, Germany, and Prague, Czechia. .

The Leftist Brand of Morality

As usual, some great comments from Mark Steyn: Once upon a time, the elites chafed under middle-class morality, and found sly workarounds for their darker appetites. Then came liberation. And in the ruins of bourgeois society a new moral hierarchy

Football and Honor

There have been more interesting comments about the NFL than you can shake a stick at, such as here, here, and here… It doesn’t surprise me that the most cogent observations come courtesy of Victor Davis Hanson: Meanwhile, the NFL