Snow in April in Ohio?

Yes, believe it or not, we had a forecast for freezing temperatures and 1″ of snow for April 22.  Based on my wife’s encouragement, I moved 60 potted plants to the garage or under the tarps (see first photo below).

Leftist Manipulation of Your Life

Update I found an excellent commentary on the American Thinker web site entitled “The Democrats’ Divide and Conquer Policy is on Steroids”. The author does a very capable job at identifying and summarizing the divisive nature of the people currently

Racism, Racism, Racism

Update Nobody is so naïve to assume that there are no racist people lurking in the shadows.  However, it’s unfortunate that so much of the media has expended efforts to amplify continued false claims.  These range from Jussie Smollett in

Miami Open Tennis

Given the supply and demand to attend live ATP tennis matches, the ticket prices for the Miami Open bordered on ridiculous ($500/seat!).  Fortunately, we were able to find some greatly discounted tickets the evening before the round of 32. It