A Common Democrat Debate Position

Update Here is an incompetent Leftist Democrat that is leveraging two of the positions identified in the original June 9 posting (see below). The Mayor of Chicago, which is a city now suffering a spate of felonious crimes, has claimed


People often ask me: “Why do people hate the Jews?”  I start the answer with this contextual retort: Always remember that jealousy and greed are very strong human motivators (and often not for good purposes).   I further postulate that anti-Semitism

Medical Reality versus Baloney

With the American Medical Association and medical journals such as Lancet now joining the delusional leftists and their scientific fairy tales, it is becoming more difficult to separate medical fact from fiction.  As a counterweight, there is a great posting

Avoiding Stereotypes?

Given the subtitle to this web site (Thinking Stereotypically, Acting Individually), it’s worth examining these comments from a mainstream newspaper about avoiding stereotypes when it comes to crime: The Austin American-Statesman newspaper said on Saturday that it is not publishing

Cicadas Everywhere

Given the quantity of these “17-year locusts” (exaggerated just a little: cicadas) that we have around our house, we must be in the prime area infested by these insects in Ohio.   These large pests, which look like 3″ super-sized flies,