Are Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs Key to the US Economy?

Update – A recent Zogby poll of US citizens indicates that most Americans believe small business, science and tech leaders will lead the U.S. to a better future – not the news media, government or large corporations. Nearly two-thirds of Americans (63%) said small business and entrepreneurs will lead the U.S. to a better future, while 52% said the same of science and technology leaders.

Anyone know of any small businesses involved in technology… tap, tap,…

Feb 24, 2009 – An interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about the importance of the entrepreneur to the US economy… A few extracts:

Missing from this legislation is anything more than token support for the long-proven source of most new jobs and new growth in America: entrepreneurs. These are the people who gave us everything — from Wal-Mart to iPhones, from microprocessors to Twitter — that is still strong in our economy. Without entrepreneurs, we will never get out of our current predicament.

At its best, the stimulus legislation is an immensely expensive attempt to restore what the U.S. economy has lost in the last few months. But the world is already moving on. The only way the American economy is going to regain its lost health and vitality is to lead the world into the future. Entrepreneurs are the only people who can get us there.


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