Banning Books in Oregon

The Manchurian Marxist Moslem and his gang have done a masterful job at introducing a stealthy fascist/communist outlook into the mainstream culture of the United States of America:

The Portland Public Schools board this week voted unanimously to institute a ban on allowing any materials or discussion that express doubts that human activity is causing a catastrophic climate crisis…

This is filled with so many layers of nonsense, ignorance, petty tyranny, and moral preening that it seems a bit much, even for hopelessly lefty Portland. I do wonder, however, if they will host a book-burning ceremony at the football stadium. It’s the logical next step, right? Because, apparently, their text books are infected with terms like “might,” “may,” and “could” in some passages that address climate change. We must make sure those doubts don’t accidentally infect the minds of the children they are charged with indoctrinating.

Source: Portland Public Schools Bans Any Dissent from Climate Dogma

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