DuckDuckGo Search

I’ve been a Brave browser and DuckDuckGo search engine user for many years now.  I’ve recently run a test of the DuckDuckGo search engine and I must admit that I’m surprised and disappointed by the results. In my test case,

Raising Corn in Ohio

I like to claim that I live in Exurbia, which is the label used to describe a mix of suburban and rural population density.  I point to the fact that there are 100-acre corn fields located about 1 mile from

Harvard, Boeing, and Bud Light

You may think, “what do these three topics have in common?”   Here’s the explanation for you — using recent case studies of tone deaf leadership to highlight problems in industry, academia, and government.  Comparing failure at Harvard to failure in

Latest Survey of Economic Indicators

A sampling of news titles from today that provide a qualitative assessment of various market indicators: Alarm Bells Sound As World’s Second Largest Appliance Company Reports Demand Plunge China Demand Sinks Across Multiple Cargo Markets Goldman Sachs Prepares for Layoffs