No Such Thing as An Energy Crisis

Everyone has been watching the Solyndra scandal and sharing their opinions about the best investment in the future of energy… I always tell people that there’s no such thing as an “energy crisis”. There is nearly an infinite amount of

Has America Become ‘A Little Soft’?

Another great commentary from Mark Steyn…  a little excerpt: Obama says America has “gotten a little soft.” But there’s nothing soft about a dead-parrot economy, a flat-line jobs market, regulatory sclerosis, “green jobs” multibillion-dollar squandering – and a mountain of

I Support Herman Cain

You may have seen some of my previous posts against the candidacy of Mitt Romney…   well, you should know that while I’ve not thoroughly researched the policies and positions of Herman Cain, I certainly like many of the things

One Man’s View of Stereotypes

An interesting story in Taki’s Magazine where the author discusses his experiences supporting the “downtrodden”.  An excerpt: Power may corrupt, but powerlessness can make you a nasty asshole, too. Spend enough time around “the people,” and you realize it’s a