Avoiding Doctors

I thought I was the only one…  it appears that there are others that avoid visiting doctors.  An interesing story in Der Spiegel: Sixty-five years ago, infamous Auschwitz doctor Josef Mengele removed Yitzhak Ganon’s kidney without anesthesia. The Greek-born Jew

Trip to Corpus Christi

I just returned from a business trip to Corpus Christi, Texas.  For those of us in Ohio who think we know humidity, spend a few days in south Texas…  I stayed in a nice condo on Padre Island with a

Military Bumper Stickers

“Except For Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, War has Never Solved Anything.” “The Marine Corps – When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Destroyed Overnight” “Marine Sniper – You can run, but you’ll just die tired!” “What Do I

Lowering the Bar?

It appears that in Dayton, Ohio the local administration could not find enough “minortity applicants” to pass the police and fire department entrance exams.  The solution?   Lower the minimum score… Hmm