Most college macroeconomic textbooks have all sorts of information to explain the concept of inflation or recession. I was just explaining to son Leonard that an economy is in a constant state of change, and the Government attempts to keep
Category: Business
The Value (or Lack Thereof) of a College Education
I’ve written previously about my disappointment with the value of a college education. Now I found this very well written article entitled, “America’s Most Overrated Product: the Bachelor’s Degree”. A few excerpts: Among high-school students who graduated in the bottom
Noonan’s Views
Walt Wood forwarded this article from Peggy Noonan to me… Why do we do this when you know I am not a terrorist, and you know I know you know I am not a terrorist? … Our politicians congratulate themselves
The Focus of University Leadership
Update – A provocative article from Thomas Sowell entitled the “Economics of College“. Sowell makes some fascinating observations for the reason that college costs so much: There are two basic reasons. The first is that people will pay what the colleges
One-Way Trip to Mars
NASA was interviewing professionals they were considering to send to Mars. The touchy part was that only one guy could go and it would be a one way trip, the guy never returning to Earth. The interviewer asked the first applicant,
Are People Inherently Irrational?
During my recent vacation, I read an interesting book entitled, “Predictably Irrational”. Since the various stories were engaging and the book was only 250 double spaced pages, it was an easy read over a few days. There are already many
GAO Says Demographics Will Lead US to Bankruptcy
An excerpt from 60 Minutes that covers an interview with the head of the GAO who talks about Government spending… In my view, the country faces many of the same cost and revenue imbalances that eventually bankrupted companies such as
What’s Up with Investment Banking?
An interesting analysis of the current economy by Ben Stein
Yahoo Opening Research Lab in Israel
According to a recent article in Information Week, Yahoo is opening a lab to develop advanced techniques for searching the Internet…
Compact Rifle
This is a very interesting approach for a compact rifle… [youtube][/youtube] 1 min 39 sec