World’s Tallest Building

If the Moslems are looking for a new target for their airplanes that don’t land, may I suggest the new office tower in Dubai?  For those of you not aware, this building, which is still under construction, is now the

Internet Transcends Life

I had an eerie experience yesterday…  I happened to be cleaning out some of my ‘favorite’ web site links on my laptop computer and came across the bookmark from my deceased best friend David P. Wittman.  Since Dave passed away

More Bad News for Microsoft Vista

This is for son Leonard…  PCLaunch notes that the popularity of Windows XP is still making things difficult for Vista. Now Vista has again suffered a major setback, with Lenovo (Olympic 2008′ official sponsor) installing XP on it’s machines to

Mathematicians and Miracles

Over three hundred years ago King Louis XIV of France asked Blaise Pascal, the great French philosopher of his day, to give him proof of the existence of miracles. Without a moment’s hesitation, Pascal answered, “Why, the Jews, your Majesty…

Is Time Travel Possible?

According to an article in the Electrical Engineering Times, researchers at the Technion University in Israel claim they have developed a theoretical model of a time machine that, in the distant future, could enable future generations to travel into the past…