Where is John Galt?

A great commentary from Victor Davis Hanson on the current state of American politics: The result is that we are witnessing a quiet, but insidious revolution. At home, if successful, the state and its vast array of newly hired employees,

Obama and Bush Go To School

Teleprompters, Secret Service, and no kids. No notes, no apparent security, and lots of kids. One more thing to make you go “hmmmmmmmmm . . . “ So which one is the great orator/genius? Which one is the man of

Stupid Quotes from Politicians

The 10 most stupid things ever said by politicians all over the world. Thanks to StrangeCosmos. 1. “Queen Elizabeth Taylor.” – Thai Prime Minister Banharn Silpa-archa, referring to the Queen of England. 2. “In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals, like

Congress and Unemployment

I pretty much buy into the notion that any US Congress is by nature bad for the economy and employment…   I don’t recall where I got the chart, but the direction of the red and blue lines below provide some insights.