The New AARP?

Yep, the heck with the ultra liberal old AARP (American Association for Retired People). Let me get this straight. Obama’s health care plan written by a committee whose Chairman said he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress which hasn’t

A Rough Economy

When Rush Limbaugh came out early in 2009 and said that “he hopes Obama fails…”, I thought to myself that I also can’t see the Manchurian Marxist Moslem succeeding, but I don’t want to live in economic misery for the next 4

The Difference in 100 Years

This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine! The year is 1909… One hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes.    Here are some statistics for the Year 1909 ***************************** The average life expectancy was 47 years.

Israel on the Defensive?

People wonder why Israel is always on the defensive… Occurrences such as these explain it perfectly: At a recent international fencing competition in Austria, two Israeli teens – Dana Stralinkov and Alona Komarov – won the gold and bronze medals

A Practical Approach to Airport Security

With the recent “Underweargate” experience (i.e., the Moslem hiding explosives in his underwear during a flight to Detroit), people are losing any sense of respect for the TSA screening process.  Naturally, I’ve had many people ask me: “DZ, how do the