A New Sense of Malaise

Great commentary from Victor Davis Hanson: An entire nation is obsessed with the silly Henry Louis Gates affair. A supposedly premier intellectual, who is a professor of African-American grievance, gets into a spat with a cop, purportedly evokes his “mama”

The Cure for Health Care Costs

We haven’t heard much from Arthur Laffer lately, but his comments on the issue with health care costs align very strongly with my views — it focuses on reducing the third-party payer system: The bottom line is that when the

Description of O’bama

An interesting comment at Big Hollywood: “Obama is economically illiterate, 100% politically motivated, a bold-faced liar, thin-skinned and completely incompetent. And I must say that, contrary to the majority of the population, I believe he is inarticulate. I don’t know

Are You Tired of Hearing About Racism?

I didn’t want to comment on this recent flap in Massachusetts, however, given the subtitle of this blog (Think Stereotypically, Act Individually), I feel compelled to share some important observations. First of all, none of us was close enough to the