Flyers are Flying

Some amazing progress for a Division 1 basketball team with no players taller than 6’6″ and a rotation of 7 young men.  They’ve lifted their record to 14-2…  Miss and I attended the Flyers tough home win versus LaSalle last

WTF is a ‘Diversity Officer’?

The pendulum is not yet swinging back to reality. After several incidents some called “racist,” the Atlanta Hawks announced that it has hired its first “diversity officer.” The team has named Nzinga Shaw as the organization’s first Chief Diversity and

Two Sports in One Day

I made it to two sporting events in one day, starting at 11:00am and finishing at 9:00pm…  the first game was Bengals football in Cincinnati with my buddy, Wally.  This was followed by the Raiders basketball game at the Nutter Center

Cincinnati ATP Tennis

We visited Cincinnati, Ohio on Saturday to catch the qualifying round of the ATP tennis tournament.   We spent most of the time in the front row of the match with Tomic vs Dustov.

Obama is Establishing the Theme

And you thought Obama wasn’t haven’t an influence on American culture… Seeking to file a complaint about the Helmetta Regional Animal Shelter, Steve Wronko visited the Helmetta Police Department to air his grievances about the shelter falling prey to nepotism