Nationality of NHL Players

Back in my day when I played, it was more than 90% Canadian players… “With an all-time high of players born outside of North America, Canadian-born players made up just 49.7 per cent of the 680 players to appear in

Bicycling in the North

The photo below shows a nice summary of my regular 20-mile ‘north’ course (click for larger view).  I stopped at frequent points along the way to capture the green scenery before autumn sets in…

Attending Another Baseball Game?

I went to my third Dayton Dragons  baseball game, which amounts to three games this summer (that’s more than my prior ten years combined)…  I can’t complain because my buddy, Marc had us in some nice seats in the first row behind

Tennis in Cincy 2015

As part of our annual rites, we made our visit to the Western & Southern Open in Cincinnati.  We were fortunate to avoid the rainy weather and we were able to watch portions of four good matches: Wawrinka vs Coric; Gasquet

Weekend Bicyling Tour

I got in 50 miles of cycling over the weekend through fairly scenic routes around Dayton. I even acted as a tour guide for brother Ronn and members of the ‘Cincinnati Bicycling Club’.   As you can see from the