Dayton Beats Louisville

The Dayton Flyers dealt the Louisville Cardinals a 68 to 64 loss on Friday night in Cincinnati.   While Louisville is a perennial top 20 basketball club, this is not one of their premier years.  Nevertheless, this is still a solid victory for the up and coming Flyers.

I’m predicting that the Flyers go 17 -13 this year with an outside chance for an NIT bid.

One comment

  1. The posting on your blog is a typical Dayton Flyer reaction: Brian Gregory motivates the Flyers against Louisville because of their horrifying performance against one of the most prestigious schools in America, Yale, and thus you believe the Flyers will “have an outside” chance to be invited to the NIT. Since they barely edged out a victory, Gregory used some motivational device that actually worked against Louisville. To say the least, the Flyers suffered an embarrassing lost to SMU; if Flyer play is equivalent to the games of Yale and SMU, chances are very remote that the Flyers will see post-season play. Let all Flyer fans stay level-headed throughout Flyer victories and defeats.

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