General Knowledge Quiz

It is a set of quick-fire questions. They may look easy, but be warned – they are designed to trick you. Write down your answers and then see how many you got right. The time limit is three minutes.

1. What is the last thing you take off before going to bed at night?
2. What gets longer when it is cut at both ends?
3. What was the first name of King George VI of England?
4. What do you call a fly without wings?
5. How many squares are there on a standard chessboard?
6. How many seconds are there in a year?
7. A man throws a ball three feet, it stops, and then returns to his hand without touching anything. How come?
8. What was the largest island in the world before Australia was discovered?
9. Why can a policeman never open the door in his pajamas?
10. If 5 dogs kill 5 rats in 5 minutes, how long does it take 15 dogs to kill 15 rats?

Scroll Down for the Answers

Here are the answers.

1. Your feet off the floor.
2. A ditch.
3. Albert. (He deferred to Queen Victoria’s wish that no future king be called Albert.)
4. A walk!
5. There are 204 squares of varying sizes on a regular 8×8 chessboard.
6. 12 – the second of Jan., the second of Feb., etc.
7. He throws it straight up.
8. Greenland. Australia is a continental landmass.
9. He does not have a door in his pajamas.
10. 5 minutes.

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