Is France Surrendering Again?

It sort of makes you wonder about the Frenchies:

They’re under attack in a one-sided war waged against their civilians, their culture, their heritage, their religion…by an enemy that lives within their walls and whom they are committed to support, educate, and bestow with every ‘human right’–including the right to vote and determine the future makeup of their government.

Has any country ever, in the course of human history, done this for sworn enemies who freely murder and torture their people in their streets?

Source: Au Revoir, France; You Lost Without a Fight.

I call to your attention what I often refer to as the “Law of Reciprocity” — if a party is not willing to provide a quid pro quo in civility, you can’t work and live together.   When it comes to welcoming Moslems into their midst, all of the Western nations have to wake up before it’s too late.



It appears that others see the very difficult French dilemma:

In the aftermath of the Bataclan theatre massacre in 2015, President Hollande declared France was at war with ISIS. In the aftermath of the Islamic carnage in Nice, Hollande declared France was at war with ISIS. In the aftermath of the Islamic attack on the church at Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray and the beheading of Father Jacques Hamel, President Hollande declared France was at war with ISIS.

What strange times we live in. Hollande cannot declare war on ISIS because ISIS is not just some foreign power in far-away lands which can be bombed from the air with impunity. ISIS is Islam and Islam is in France. Islam is in Paris and Marseilles. Like a rapidly expanding virus, Islam has invaded France and is attacking the racial base, the cultural base, the spiritual base and the political base of the host country itself.

Source: France has Two Options: Civil War or Submission

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