The El Al plane landed at Ben Gurion airport, and as it taxied to the terminal, the voice of the captain came on: “Please remain seated with your seat belts fastened until this plane has come to a complete stop
Where are They Now?
Where are the men that were instrumental in bringing the housing crisis to the United States? Here’s a quick look into the three former Fannie Mae executives who brought down Wall Street. Franklin Raines – the Chairman and Chief Executive
Obama the Pied Piper
This sums it up nicely…
Family Vacation in Aruba 2011
We just returned from a family vacation in Aruba… we had Missy’s side of the family there as well so we did three nights of dinner with a crew of 15 people. As you can see from the photos,
More of the Same in the New Year?
We need a real change… A Happy New Year!
Obama and the Nation’s Morale
Another great analysis from Victor Davis Hanson where he describes how the Manchurian Marxist Moslem has brought the United States to a new low in citizen morale… an excerpt: In the last three years, we have become so numb to
Throw Them All Out
It’s a holiday version of “throw all the bums out”…
Politicians and Free Time
A nice summary…
I Love My Country
This sums it up nicely…
Economics – Right Against Left
One of my favorite commentators, George Will, does a nice job handling the midget (mental and stature) from the Clinton administration… Take a look here to watch how Dr. Will handles Robert Reich.