I still remember late 2008, sitting around the kitchen table talking about the prospects of having a Democrat President when my sibling from New York exclaimed “you have to admit that he’s a really smart man!” I was startled. I
Fun Quotes about Driving
From our friends at StrangeCosmos: I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol. Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car. Each year it seems to take less time to fly across the ocean and longer
Obama and Math
This is a good one from the Instapundit: “Obama is great at math. He divides the country, subtracts jobs, adds debt and multiplies misery.”
Even More on Obamanomics
Yep, he’s a fancy double-talker…
I Support Herman Cain
You may have seen some of my previous posts against the candidacy of Mitt Romney… well, you should know that while I’ve not thoroughly researched the policies and positions of Herman Cain, I certainly like many of the things
One Man’s View of Stereotypes
An interesting story in Taki’s Magazine where the author discusses his experiences supporting the “downtrodden”. An excerpt: Power may corrupt, but powerlessness can make you a nasty asshole, too. Spend enough time around “the people,” and you realize it’s a
The Healthiest Foods
An interesting article about food: The 30 Healthiest Foods | Real Simple.
10 Insights About Warren Buffett
From Business Insider, 10 Strange Facts You Might Not Know About Warren Buffett.
The 10 Commandments in the Courthouse
The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this — you cannot post ‘Thou Shalt Not Steal’ ‘Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery’ and ‘Thou Shall Not Lie’ in a building full of lawyers,
Recent Bumper Stickers
More Obama bumper stickers