A Great Comedian

Bob Hope was a great comedian that was in his hay-day during my youth. I most remember him from his USO tours for the troops in Viet Nam (For those of you too young to remember Bob Hope, ask your

Jewish Valentine’s Day

Little Melissa comes home from 1st grade & tells her father that they learned about the history of Valentine’s Day.  She asks, “Since Valentine’s Day is for a Christian saint, and we’re Jewish will God get mad at me for

Contemporary Rock Band

You can catch a new Dayton-area Classic, Contemporary, and Original Acoustic rock band called “The Deceptive Play” at the Signature Coffee House on March 13th. They play a combination of violins, guitars, and harmonicas… Check ’em out.

Jewish Liberals – Part 26

Raphael Sonenshein, a professor at Cal State Fullerton, writes in the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles: I have been feeling angry and alienated as I watch the Democrats in Washington fritter away their electoral mandate. I’ve been asking why Barack

Shut the Shutter Island

Missy and I went to dinner and movie with our friends.  Since it was their turn to choose the entertainment, they selected the new release, “Shutter Island“.   I won’t bore you with the details.  This is a movie where the protagonist is