A great commentary from Walter Williams about leftists still adoring communism even after the experiences of the 20th century: Now the question: Why are leftists soft on communism? The reason leftists give communists, the world’s most horrible murderers, a pass is
Journalists vs Engineers
It’s an interesting contrast between the journalists from New York and the engineers in Ohio…
The NFL Social Justice League is Taking a Hit
The NFL continues to dig a deeper hole: Week 13 doesn’t appear to be the National Football League’s lucky number as photos of stadiums across the league still show an awful lot of empty seats. Meanwhile, the sad in-person attendance
Modern vs Classical Liberalism
A good description of the contradictions faced by modern liberalism (more commonly referred to as Leftists or Progressives): Modern liberalism, though, is very much an intentionally devised system. (That’s modern and not classical liberalism; the latter is something closer to
Cycling in Ohio in December
It’s always a great day when you can go bicycling outdoors in Ohio in early December. My buddy and I did roughly 23 miles on the famous Dayton River Corridor in 52F weather. Not too shabby…
Microsoft on Google
This is an interesting development: Chromebook users looking for an alternative to Google’s set of editing tools can now turn to Microsoft Office, which is finally available on Chromebooks. The suite of office apps—Word, Powerpoint, Excel, and Outlook—has been available
When Claims Lose Any Meaning
In the world of engineering and manufacturing we often say “when everything is high priority, then nothing is high priority”. It’s a way of stating that you have to clearly stratify the differences in your observations and claims. I suppose
Ohio Sports Weekend
I would have to say it was a pretty fruitful weekend for our sports teams… We attended two Wright State Raiders basketball games in addition to one Dayton Flyers game. All of these contests had the home team winning. In
A Controversy in the Middle East?
Do you want to know how to get the Arab nations in a tizzy? Here is a simple technique used by Kuwaiti journalist… He elected to speak the truth: Amid a quiet thawing of relations between Israel and more moderate
Kasich Believes in… What?
I’ll bet that there are many Ohio citizens that can’t wait until Kasich leaves office: It’s time for lawmakers to get into a room and figure out some sort of solution on gun control, Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Sunday.