Some informed comments from Mark Steyn about being a citizen in the USA: Citizenship is about allegiance. We benefit from our rights as citizens of the state and in return we accept our duties as citizens of the state. And
What Do Leftists Really Believe?
They proclaim to believe in high moral virtues. They designate anyone who doesn’t support their policies as deplorable. Yet, they always appear to avoid practicing what they preach. Hypocrisy is a central tenant of the true practice of Leftism. If
Anything Interesting in the Recent JFK Files?
The recent release of the previously classified files relating to the JFK assassination produced no documentation on a conspiracy or anything earth-shattering. However, there are a few things that just might surprise you. Check it out at Listverse
Ohio State Football
We went to the Ohio State (#6) vs Penn State (#2) game yesterday in Columbus and saw a doozy of a football match-up. Due to the fact that the Buckeyes had to overcome all sorts of adversity (much of it
European Vacation
We just returned from a great vacation to central Europe… We took a Danube river cruise on Amawaterways and visited numerous cities and countries, including Budapest, Hungary, Bratislava, Slovakia, Vienna, Austria, Regensburg, Germany, and Prague, Czechia. .
The Leftist Brand of Morality
As usual, some great comments from Mark Steyn: Once upon a time, the elites chafed under middle-class morality, and found sly workarounds for their darker appetites. Then came liberation. And in the ruins of bourgeois society a new moral hierarchy
Football and Honor
There have been more interesting comments about the NFL than you can shake a stick at, such as here, here, and here… It doesn’t surprise me that the most cogent observations come courtesy of Victor Davis Hanson: Meanwhile, the NFL
Are They Starting to See the Light?
An interesting article in an Australian Newspaper about some people waking up to realities in the world: Upon meeting a Jewish person, says Dean, you should “reach out, shake their hand and say, I’m sorry for a long list of
Kasich is Planning to Join the Democrats
These rumors are ironic… Kasich already left the Republican party years ago. Kasich has been one of President Trump’s most vocal opponents within the party, and some point to him as a likely primary challenger in 2020. But Kasich seems
Does Reality Matter Anymore?
We are supposed to be living in this golden age of technology where it provides us with great insights — artificial intelligence, machine learning, and business analytics. These are activities that are all based on dealing with large amounts of