15 Seconds

The residents of the communities in southern Israel were so tired of their Government not responding to the 6000 mortars and rockets fired by Hamas into Israel… they made this short video to get the point across.  Take a look:

No Money Down?

I happened to be driving through downtown Springfield, Ohio (not exactly the most prosperous garden spot in the world) and at a stoplight I noticed the bus bench out my window.  I took out my trusty Treo 650 PDA/camera and

Jimmy Carter’s Effort Falling Apart

You may have seen the articles talking about Jimmy Carter’s failed humanitarian efforts…  As noted in the Times UK: Residents of a model housing estate bankrolled by Hollywood celebrities and hand-built by Jimmy Carter, the former US president, are complaining that

It Should be an Interesting 2009

As I reflect on 2008, I can say we had a relatively successful year: Blacks are happy – Obama was elected. Whites are happy – OJ is in jail. Democrats are happy – George Bush is leaving office. Republicans are happy – Democrats will finally