Since we rarely get fair and accurate reporting from the media, it’s important not to overlook the facts in the jumble of daily events. Here are overlooked facts in the Middle East. 1. Nationhood and Jerusalem. Israel became a nation
15 Seconds
The residents of the communities in southern Israel were so tired of their Government not responding to the 6000 mortars and rockets fired by Hamas into Israel… they made this short video to get the point across. Take a look:
Toons about Hamas
A sampling from around the world of cartoons about Hamass (click on the smaller thumbnails below to see the larger versions)
Oh, Dear World
A great video that provides an “apology” to the world… [youtube][/youtube] 4 min 53 sec Hat tip to Ephraim
No Money Down?
I happened to be driving through downtown Springfield, Ohio (not exactly the most prosperous garden spot in the world) and at a stoplight I noticed the bus bench out my window. I took out my trusty Treo 650 PDA/camera and
Jimmy Carter’s Effort Falling Apart
You may have seen the articles talking about Jimmy Carter’s failed humanitarian efforts… As noted in the Times UK: Residents of a model housing estate bankrolled by Hollywood celebrities and hand-built by Jimmy Carter, the former US president, are complaining that
It Should be an Interesting 2009
As I reflect on 2008, I can say we had a relatively successful year: Blacks are happy – Obama was elected. Whites are happy – OJ is in jail. Democrats are happy – George Bush is leaving office. Republicans are happy – Democrats will finally
Simple Thought Experiment for the Middle East
From the Quid Sit web site, a very simple way to understand the motivations of the Israelis and Palestinians: I’m reminded of an old thought experiment a friend brought to my attention some years ago. In the first scenario, Palestine