According to newly released archive material, James Lonsdale-Bryans, a British fascist sympathizer and novice politician, tried to arrange a secret peace deal with the Nazis. It appears that the British had their own Pat Buchanan…
Are Cholesterol Drugs Helpful?
The never-ending recommendations for taking care of your health continue to flip-flop. A recent article in the Washington Post details the results of a study that indicate supplements of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are helpful to the heart. Meanwhile, the
CNN, Iraq, and Pregnancy
In case you missed it, the U.S. troops turned operational control of Anbar Province over to the Iraqi army and police on Monday. Anbar was once a complete nightmare of insurgent maniacal, murdering terrorists. Contrary to “surrender first” Harry Reid,
Watch Yahoo Stock Performance
Update – the predictions from a couple of months ago appear to be coming true… Yahoo is now trading for around $17/share. This means that shareholders have lost over $20 billion in value since the company passed on being acquired
A For Loop
Q: How do you keep a computer programmer in the shower all day long? A: Give them a shampoo with a label that says “rinse, lather, repeat.”
Dems and Healthcare
Hat tip to Slick
You Didn’t Make Me Read It!
This is one that my wife hung on the refigerator… (thanks to FoxTrot)
Field Trip “Behind the Scenes” at the Air Force Museum
We recently took our employees on a half-day field trip to the National Museum of the Air Force for a behind the scenes look at the reconditioning of the airplanes…