I picked up these insights by checking the box score at ESPN tonight… The Wright State Raiders are now 17-6 while the quickly fading Dayton Flyers are 16-6. The Raiders have won 8 in a row, while the Flyers have lost 5 of
Most Overrated Careers
An interesting story in US News & World Report about the most overrated vocations. A quick excerpt: Advertising executive Architect Attorney Chef Chiropractor Clinical psychologist Medical scientist Nonprofit manager Physician Police officer Real estate agent Small-business owner
Global Warming Test
Do we learn about global warming and green house gases from the media, Hollywood movies, and left wing politicos? Or do we read science facts, think, and make our own decisions? Click here to take this test. It’s 10 Questions…
Engineering View on Global Warming
If you want to read a series of pragmatic comments about global warming, check out Mechanical Engineering Design News… As an engineer that prefers to make business decisions based on the scientific process, I think that you will find that many scientists and
Palestinians Celebrate Terrorism
An interesting story in the Jerusalem Post about the recent terror attack by Palestinians… evidently, there was an Israeli officer nearby who killed the second terrorist before he could explode his bomb belt.
When You Have Brains
A wealthy old lady decides to go on a photo safari in Africa, taking her faithful aged poodle named Cuddles, along for the company. One day the poodle starts chasing butterflies and before long, Cuddles discovers that he’s lost.. Wandering
Secrets That Men Keep from Their Wives
I happened to come across this interesting article at WebMD, entitled “11 ‘Don’t-Tell-the-Wife’ Secrets All Men Keep”: Secret #1: Yes, we fall in lust 10 times a day — but it doesn’t mean we want to leave you Secret #2:
Update on Flyers and Raiders
It appears that the Wright State Raiders and Dayton Flyers are moving in opposite directions, with the Raiders winning their last 5 games and the Flyers losing 4 of the last 5. I didn’t get a chance to see either
Business Trip to Tucson and Phoenix
I just returned from a full-week business trip to Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona… we found a little time during the end of one of the workdays to take a drive to the foothills of the Catalina mountains in Tucson. As
New Approach for Mideast Peace
A great commentary from Victor Davis Hanson, who highlights with sarcasm and solid historical facts, some of the unreasonable expectations for peace in the Middle East: Greek Cypriots can advise Israel about concessions necessary to Muslims involving a divided Jerusalem.