Chris and I had a whirlwind tour of Northern California earlier this week… We had 5 meetings with 4 organizations in 3 cities in 2 days. On Monday morning, we flew direct from Cincinnati to San Francisco. Since we had a couple
The Amazing Feldman
A man walks into the street and manages to get a taxi. He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says, “Perfect timing. You’re just like Frank.” Passenger: “Who?” Cabbie: “Frank Feldman. He’s a guy who did EVERYTHING right ALL the
San Francisco and Drug Use
Having just returned from a business trip to San Francisco, I felt that this comic strip was appropriate… If you’re not aware the 9th Circuit Court in Northern California is considered the most Liberal in the nation:
Real Gladiator Discovered
This is for you fans of the movie “Gladiator”… A chance discovery by archaeologists has brought to light a mosaic nearly 2,000 years old depicting what may have been a real-life version of the Roman combatant played by Russell Crowe
A Hockey Donnybrook
This is what we hockey players used to call a “donnybrook” (i.e., a major brawl). This is one heck of a fight between the Ottawa Senators and the Philadelphia Flyers: [youtube]N1-25s4uwFQ[/youtube] 4 min 6 sec
Leonard Wins Oratorical Contest
Son Leonard won the Southwestern District speech contest at Optimist International. This is an annual Optimist Club contest where the student has to write and deliver a 5 minute speech in front of a panel of judges. The topic this year
Is the War Over?
A great commentary from Victor Davis Hanson… I’ve excerpted some of his comments below: “Do we still need to fight a war on terror? Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, goes further, assuring us that we are terrorized mostly
NBA Playoff Time
I usually ignore the NBA season until April… well, it’s playoff time and the quality of the game has definitely stepped-up a notch. The video below shows some of the highlights from the playoff games of the last week: [youtube]qMPLMjscwL4[/youtube]
More on Pelosi
Another great comic from Mallard Fillmore… This expresses my sentiments very well:
Fantastic Soccer Goal
I realize that there aren’t many soccer fans out there, but this is an amazing goal from almost 200 feet away… [youtube]mPCZVP3zUls[/youtube] 1 min 8 sec