I’ve had a couple of recent postings about the natural evolution of web-based applications and “Software-as-a-Service”. It appears that Oracle has weighed in with their viewpoint in a recent interview with Intelligent Enterprise magazine. There was a previous interview with
Weather Forecasting
This is a funny one from Chip Bok that helps make it clear that the weather folks can’t predict the sunshine in the next 24 hours much less forecast the nature of global warming…
WSU has Higher Basketball Ranking Than UD
It’s important to recognize that my sons and I are supporters of basketball programs at both Wright State and the University of Dayton. We attend six or seven home games at each school every year… However, UD fans tend to be the snooty folks
Carter Administration Telling Us How to Do It
Madeleine Albright, who was part of Jimmy Carter’s administration in the 1970s, and secretary of state under former president Bill Clinton (how do you like those credentials for ‘success’ in foreign policy?), said many Americans believe that they should be loved
An Old-Fashioned Hockey Donnybrook
This is video footage of the wild fights during the February 22nd hockey game between the Buffalo Sabres and Ottawa Senators… Interestingly, the two teams play again on February 24th. [youtube]EAPhqXj_24I[/youtube] 4 min 2 sec
“Fusionism” is the attempt to combine libertarianism and conservatism into a unified political philosophy and program. It has been controversial ever since Frank Meyer first defended it half a century ago, and every electoral cycle seems to generate another round
Google Enters Microsoft’s Market space
Just as I finished my posting on the need for a “thin-er” client, Google releases a web-based solution that offers functionality nearly equivalent to Microsoft Office. Even Newsweek writes how this Software-as-a-Service seems to be very viable. In reality, Google acquired
A Gator in Buckeye Territory?
As a joke, someone put the University of Florida’s mascot statue, Albert the Alligator, on the Ohio State campus. From the scenery, this appears to be the corner of 15th and High Street. See what happens to the statue… [youtube]kqrkSskzQOk[/youtube] 2
Sexual Education
I got this funny one from the Grouchy Old Cripple… A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized she was heading
How to Get Rich Quick
On the front page of the Yahoo portal, there was an article entitled “Guide to Getting Rich”. Naturally, an article with this title is bound to get many readers… Interestingly, the author was none other than Ben Stein who explained